Estados Unidos

Estados Unidos es un compendio de historia, tradición, modernidad y diversidad formado por 50 estados, en los que viven más de 330 millones de personas. Su capital es Washington D.C., sede de la famosa Casa Blanca, y sus fronteras son amplias. Limita con Canadá y México y sus costas están bañadas por el océano Atlántico, el mar Caribe y el océano Pacífico.

Aunque no forme parte de Iberoamérica, Estados Unidos está incluido en la Capitalidad porque la Academia de Gastronomía de Estados Unidos Capítulo Este está asociada a la Academia Iberoamericana de Gastronomía.

Su naturaleza es diversa y pasa por las Montañas Rocosas, el desierto de Arizona o los Grandes Lagos, que conforman la mayor extensión de agua dulce no helada del planeta. También hay que mencionar el Parque Nacional de Yellowstone, que ofrece vivencias espectaculares y famoso en el mundo entero por ser casa del famoso Oso Yogui. La estatua de la libertad, el monte Rushmore, la ruta 66 o Hollywood son solo algunos de los símbolos más populares del país.

Su gastronomía, por tanto, mantiene ese espíritu internacional y variado. En cada zona se pueden encontrar platos típicos de diferentes lugares del mundo como Europa o América del Sur. Los alimentos de origen marino o las almendras, además del pavo (plato principal de Thanksgiving) son algunos de los ingredientes más conocidos.


The United States is cosmopolitan. It is also the result of history, tradition, modernity, and diversity, as it is made up of 52 states, in which more than 330 million people live. Its capital is Washington D.C., home of the famous White House. Its borders are wide: it borders Canada and Mexico and its coasts are bathed by the Atlantic Ocean, the Caribbean Sea, and the Pacific Ocean.

Its states include Alaska, separated from Russia by the Bering Strait, and Hawaii, famous for its paradisiacal coasts and volcanoes, such as Kilauea, one of the most active in the world.

Although it is not part of Latin America, the United States is included in the Capital because the Eastern United States Academy of Gastronomy is part of the Latin American Academy of Gastronomy, the entity that grants the title.

Its nature is just as diverse and its symbols, emblematic. The country’s landscapes pass through the Rocky Mountains, the Arizona desert or the Great Lakes, which make up the largest expanse of fresh, non-frozen water on the planet. We must also mention the Yellowstone National Park, which offers spectacular experiences and famous throughout the world for being the home of the famous Yogi Bear.

The Statue of Liberty, Mount Rushmore, Route 66, or Hollywood are just some of the most popular elements of the country, which is currently one of the greatest world powers in different fields.

Its gastronomy, therefore, maintains that international and varied spirit. In each area, you can find typical dishes from different parts of the world such as Europe or South America. Turkey is the main dish of Americans at Thanksgiving or Thanksgiving dinner, which is celebrated every fourth Thursday in November.



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