
Situado en un enclave geográfico estratégico, entre el norte de África y el sur de Europa, España limita por tierra con Portugal y Francia; suma más de 8.000 kilómetros de costa y cuenta con una población de algo más de 47 millones de personas.

Su gastronomía es variada y está encabezada por la dieta mediterránea, que incluye legumbres, cereales, carne, pescado, vid y aceite de oliva. Su producción de alimentos de origen vegetal hace que sea conocida como la “huerta de Europa».

Los bares y las tapas son emblemas de la cultura gastronómica española, una fórmula que se completa con cerveza, sidra, sangría y, por supuesto, vino.


If you need to choose between beach or mountain, sun or clouds, town or city, Spain has it all. Located in a strategic geographical enclave, between North Africa and southern Europe, it is bordered by land by Portugal and France. By sea, the more than 8,000 kilometers of coastline are washed by the Mediterranean and the Atlantic Ocean. Just over 47 million people live in this country.

Its gastronomy is just as varied. The Mediterranean diet includes legumes, cereals, meat, fish, and the famous olive oil. In addition, its food production makes Spain also known as the ‘vegetable garden of Europe’. There is nothing more Spanish than bars: having a few beers with a lid is almost a national heritage.

And if you don’t like beer, you can also accompany your meal with a good wine, the drink par excellence. Whether red, white, or rosé, in many of the regions you can find native wineries. You can also taste cider, a pomace, or a sangria. At the consumer’s taste.




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